Vineyard update

As we're now in Autumn, it's a good time to reflect on how the vines have developed so far. 


We're pleased with the growth of the vines in their first year. All four varieties have done well, but there are a few parcels of the vineyard growing more vigorously than others at the moment. The vines have all grown above the tubes and their leaves are getting to work capturing the sun's energy. Keeping the lanes cultivated and the area around the vines clear of weeds has helped the vines establish themselves due to reduced competition for water and nutrients. In future years we expect to have to maintain a cover of vegetation to make the vines work harder and establish deeper roots.

Over the coming months, their leaves will fall and the vines will go into hibernation, storing energy in their roots ready for Spring. The next job is pruning, which will be done in February or March, depending on the weather.